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вот мое таблица
CREATE TABLE horoscope (Id integer, name text, date_of_begin text, date_of_end text, description character varying)

Insert into horoscope (Id, name, date_of_begin, date_of_end, description) values
1,'Aries','03-21','04-20','Feel like you are tripping over your own tongue? That is not surprising considering the constant
flow of verbosity is that is spilling forth from you right now. Go ahead and enjoy you extreme eloquence - everyone else isy'),

(2,'taurus','04-21','05-20','Stay in the now rather than trying to jump forward into the future. You will do best when you focusyour attention on
all he immediatedetails that require your assistance. Remember that, no matter how temptingit is to start booking yorself weeks in advance'),

(3,'Gemini','05-21','06-20','from you, a wink and a smile go beyond a thousand words - they are practically an entire romanticsaga. Your flirty energy
livens things up wherever you go right now, so make a sure taht as many people as possible can appreciate your fabulous self'),

(4,'Cancer','06-21','07-20','For the first tie in very long time, you are listening only to one authority - yourself. This is especially true regarding a
social matter. You have been worried far too long about doing the right thing. Now it is time to do right by you.'),

(5,'Leo','07-21','08-21','you may feel ready to move into a decisive new leadership role, but the stars say to let things gestate for a little while
longer before you make your big move. Try talking things over with your boon companions and hear what they have to say.'),

(6,'Virgo','08-22','09-21','Don not try to do more than you can comfortably handle - and make sure you are very clear about your limits if others try to
ask you to take more on.When possible, lighten your load rather than add more to it'),

(7,'Libra','09-22','10-22','You love watching this new scenario unfold in your life, but suddenly watching it is not enough. You want- no, you need
- to take action, but you are not surewhich way to turn. Take a moment and look before you leap'),

(8,'Scorpio','10-23','11-21','Minor details could become major mistakes if there are left unchecked but fortunately, there is plenty
of time to check everything. Not only win this ensure your enterprise will go swimmingly, but it will give you some much - needed peace of mind '),

(9,'Sagittarius','11-22','12-20','Having this much activity going on around you can be somewhat unsettling, but don not sulk.
Just because somethins seems out of sync '),

(10,'Capricorn','12-21','01-19','Put the kibosh on anyone who is absolutely determined to make sure even the smallest thing to haywire. With a little
extra care, youcan defusethis live wire before they make life and more difficult than it is'),

(11,'Aquarius','01-20','02-18','Taking other people is opinions into consideration is usually he last itmon your list of priorities, and that goes double
whe it comes to a very new and very exciting person in your life'),

(12,'Pisces','02-19','03-20','Learn t odeal with ambiguity by letting it exist, rather than trying to make it go away. If you act too rapidly, you
might just find that the solution becomes a much larger problem than the original situation.');

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(С) Виктор Вислобоков, 2008-2023