
33.30. role_table_grants

The view role_table_grants identifies all privileges granted on tables or views where the grantor or grantee is a currently enabled role. Further information can be found under table_privileges.

Table 33-28. role_table_grants Columns

NameData TypeDescription
grantorsql_identifierName of the role that granted the privilege
granteesql_identifierName of the role that the privilege was granted to
table_catalogsql_identifierName of the database that contains the table (always the current database)
table_schemasql_identifierName of the schema that contains the table
table_namesql_identifierName of the table
privilege_typecharacter_data Type of the privilege: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, or TRIGGER
is_grantablecharacter_dataYES if the privilege is grantable, NO if not
with_hierarchycharacter_dataApplies to a feature not available in PostgreSQL

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(С) Виктор Вислобоков, 2008-2023